Tag: chicago children photographer
Child studio portraits of little cutie pie Noah
Sweet Baby Reed
My sister is the proud mother of her first child, Reed Curtis Thompson, my darling nephew. My trip back to Nebraska couldn’t come soon enough after the little guy was born. I’m so glad I could hop on a flight and get some real quality time with Katie, Ty, and Reed before heading to South America (pictures to come in the next few days) a few short days later. Love you guys!
Photo Snowfari with Laurie
When I told my Dad yesterday morning that Laurie and I were going on a photo snowfari, he immediately quipped about it being a a little cold for outdoor boudoir. Funny Dad, real funny.
While our shoots together these days are typically for Revealed, we try to make it a point to exercise our eye in other avenues. With two feet of snow creating a natural softbox, we agreed a trip outdoors was in order.
I can’t deny I LOVE Montrose Harbor, so we opted to go there. Parents pushed their children down well-worn sled runs, dogs ran circles in the snow, and the light made it all feel magical.