Northerly Island Family Session with the Trowbridges
I’ve had the pleasure of taking family pictures for the Trowbridges for the past few years. Christine is a big believe in scheduling family photos each year rather than buying the school pictures of the boys. In the past we’ve taken pictures in Lincoln Park and at my studio, but this year she wanted a spot that had both nature and skyline.
We decided on Burnham Park, but when the day arrived, unseasonably hot temperatures meant evvvvveryone in the city had the same idea of heading to the beach. Every single parking spot within blocks of the park was taken, so we called an audible and headed toward Northerly Island. It turned out to be a great change of plans. The island was virtually empty. The light was dreamy that afternoon and the rocky shores along the lake made for a fun landscape for the boys to explore. If you’re considering a location for your family photos, put this spot on the list of options. I promise you won’t regret it!
Wanna see more? Visit my family portfolio page or click the links below for other sessions. Interested in scheduling your own session? Drop me a line at my contact page. Learn more about pricing here.