During Katie and Joel’s ceremony, the priest who married them mentioned, in prepping for their wedding, he took the opportunity to visit their facebook pages. What he found were dozen of images of the two together enjoying life by dressing up in various costumes; in one photo they wore feathered boas, another head-to-grow green; there were santa outfits, oversized sombreros, and hats made out of balloons. These two really love to have fun. In each other they found life long best friends and a partner ready and willing to go all out on any occasion.
When it came to their wedding day, I expected nothing less than that same 100% commitment to details. Katie looked divine, like a catalog bride. Joel was dapper in black. The bridesmaids were elegant in the color of summer 2013–coral. It was a beautiful affair with their closest friends and family members celebrating the union of two beloved people. Congrats Katie and Joel! Cheers to #Machoran!