Lifestyle Family Photos with The Sutherlands

The years of wonder, before awareness takes over before they know what it means to be cool; when all is new and everything is an adventure. They’re full of curiosity and raw emotion. Smiles may turn to frowns in a split second, laughter to sobs. These years, when plans unravel and spontaneity rules, these are my favorite. They’re candid, silly, and wonderful to photograph.

I’ve taken Alex’s picture on three prior occasions, but I loved this last session most of all. He was so active and fun. In his features, now more distinct, I saw his momma’s eyes, and his mannerisms often mimicked his Dad. We spent nearly an hour together, letting Alex run the show. Directions were futile, instead we just played, and let Alex be Alex.

To find out more about a lifestyle family photos, please contact me at or 402-304-4057.